Girls Little League: Girls Little League will be comprised of two divisions - AAA and Majors - consisting of girls ages 9 to 12. 9-year-olds must register for AAA and the rest should select the division they think will fit best, but some players may be moved to a more appropriate division after league try-outs. Most 11-year-olds will be a good fit for Majors, but please contact us if you would like to play down in AAA. Player assessments will take place in Mid-March. Additionally, due to the size and structure of our league we are unable to accept 'teammate requests' for non-siblings. Thank you for your understanding!
Target Schedule (subject to change based on enrollment numbers)
Softball Divisions: Girls Majors and AAA may play games any day of the week (Monday-Saturday). Minors and above will play interleague games with other District 9 area Little League teams with games scheduled by a District 9 Little League representative.
It is anticipated, but not guaranteed, that Girls Minors will play on Monday, Wednesday and Saturdays. Girls Majors will play Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. This is subject to change based on the District 9 schedule and will not be confirmed until final schedules are released in April. Games are played at Calplex, Lakeside Park, and other area District 9 Little League fields.