Boys Little League: Boys Little League will be comprised of two divisions - AAA and Majors - consisting of boys ages 10 to 12. 10 and 11 year olds can register for either division, and 12 year olds must register for Majors. Ultimate division placement will be based on the tryouts, however players who register for AAA will be consulted before being moved up to Majors. Players aged 10 or 11 who register for Majors may be moved down to AAA without consultation based on evaluation by coaches and board members at the tryout.
Everyone registering for this division must attend tryouts. If you are unable to attend tryouts, parents will be asked to submit a tryout video. Tryouts will be in early March and this year we will be offering two tryout dates to ensure everyone is able to attend.
Any 10 or 11 year old not drafted to Majors will be placed on a AAA team. All 12 years old will be drafted to a Majors team.
Tentative Schedule (subject to change based on enrollment numbers)
Boy's AAA will play one weeknight game (Monday/Wed) and on Saturday mornings (with some minor exceptions). Rain-outs, if necessary, will likely be made up on Friday evenings. Please note that rainouts will not be made up unless less than Little League required number of games are played. Home games are to be played at Calplex or Lakeside Park. AAA & Majors teams may play several "inter-league" games against Lowell, Byron Center or other area Little League teams (TBD).
With the exception of opening day, boys Majors will play games on Tuesday and Friday with some exceptions. Please note that inter-league games be played on other days. Games are to be played at Calplex, Lakeside Park or at inter-league opponent(s) fields.
Following the regular season, AAA and Majors will participate in end of the year "teams tournaments" starting in mid-to-late June. AAA will participate in a CBSL only tournament while Majors will participate in the Little League District 9 Tournament across West Michigan. All CBSL teams will participate in these tournaments which conclude around July 1. Please plan your vacation/holiday calendars accordingly!
Little League/District 9 All-Star tournaments begin immediately following the team tournaments. CBSL will offer several teams from this division. If your son is nominated/selected to an All-Star team (and you accept), tournament play could run from July 1 through mid-August.